Silent & Trans Acoustic Pianos
We Sell Yamaha Silent & Trans Acoustic Pianos
Make an Appointment to See These Amazing Instruments
By day it’s a world-renowned acoustic piano. By night, the neighbors won’t hear a thing. SILENTPiano™ puts the sound and presence of the world’s finest concert grands in your headphones. Sim-ply switch your Yamaha acoustic piano into SILENT mode and our digital technology reproduces theacoustic tones, nuanced colors and resonance so faithfully you’ll almost forget you’re wearing head-phones or choose a TransAcoustic piano that uses its soundboard to naturally amplify digital sounds, turning your instrument into the world’s most incredible acoustic speaker. Transform your acoustic piano into a Yamaha or Bösendorfer concert grand, an electric piano, harpsichord, organ and more. Then record a track and play along on your acoustic piano.
All our silent pianos are equipped with MIDI Watch this video to learn how you can expand the capabilities
of your acoustic piano with Midi out and in. Yamaha’s silent MIDI pianos take your musical experience to a
whole new level… Watch our videos to learn how this can be done..
Let Us Know If You’re Interested in a Piano
Contact us to schedule an appointment to see these amazing instruments:
Please note: because we are out tuning or moving pianos or in our shop refurbish-ing pianos, it is best to call ahead for an appointment to see the pianos we have in our showroom or in our warehouse locations.
PLEASE CALL OR TEXT AHEAD OF TIME @ 570-352-5501. Ask for Frank Bissol.